the art of

Feminine Presence Classes

There are women who walk into a room and are noticed by many. They have an air of confidence about them that is attractive. There are others who frequently comment that “no one remembers I was even there”.

A woman’s personal presence and magnetism grow when she’s in tune with her feminine essence. Sadly, many women are disconnected from their feminine essence as they’ve had to work hard to become successful in a masculine-based world. 

Can women be powerful and feminine?

What these classes can do for you…


Develop a physical and energetic presence that attracts the attention you want: personally and professionally


Be more at ease setting clear boundaries with others and even yourself


Feel more comfortable with your sensuality, and with receiving positive attention


Learn to follow your inner guidance rather than always pushing to make things happen


Increase your ability to receive and sustain pleasure and experience more passion in your life


Look and feel more confident and radiant where ever you are


Feminine Power isn’t something we go out and acquire, it’s already within us. It’s something we become willing to experience. Something to admit we have.


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For further details on Workshop/Course dates & times please leave your information below and we’ll email you!