Book a complimentary session! 

If you are looking for 1:1 support, check out my free 30 minute discovery session to help you get clear on how to move forward in your journey toward self-love.

​So what is a Luscious Femme you ask?

Well…a Luscious Feminine is a woman who is in touch with her full range of her emotions. She’s present, centered, feels alive and is fabulously free. She’s attractive, sensual, relaxed and feels at home in her body, and with the world around her. What would it feel like to love yourself deeply, to feel worthy of the life of your dreams, and let go of limiting beliefs and pains from the past while stepping into your power, sensuality, and sovereignty? I can help you.

Feminine Embodiment Coaching

what does a Feminine Embodiment Coaching session look like?

Feminine Embodiment Coaching is a blend of coaching and experiential exercises all designed to get you in touch with your feminine power.

Drawing on my intuition, along with psychotherapy tools, and specific embodiment techniques, I help you connect to yourself more deeply as a woman.

I create a sacred and supportive environment that gives you permission to explore all the ways you have held yourself back.

All the ways you’ve kept yourself small.

All the ways that you are putting yourself last.

All the ways you’ve stopped yourself from embracing your full potential.

Because make no mistake the ball is in your court.  You run the show.  Your power is not external to you. You control your destiny.

What makes me different as a coach is that I can deeply empathize with where my clients are at based on my extensive life experience.  I walk the talk because I’ve been there. I am also acutely sensitive and can quickly zone in on where my client is not living in alignment with their truth.



You are a woman who knows what you want in life but have identified that there are blocks preventing you from achieving a more fulfilled life. 


You are 100% committed and willing to do whatever it takes to become the woman you desire to be.


You are overworked, unappreciated, stressed and depleted. Quite often you put yourself last, have negative thoughts and feel completely disconnected from your body. 


You are self-directed but are looking for guidance, direction or someone to cheer you along your path. You are tired of doing it alone.


Amanda is the real deal who walks the talk and is skilled at supporting women in reconnecting with their feminine energy so they can step fully into their power. She’s a fabulous coach who is intuitive, empathetic, and supportive. Highly recommend.


Packages + Pricing


This includes three 50-minute 1:1 coaching, email/text support, and a 20% discount on any upcoming workshop or course. I  help you gain clarity and provide a foundational understanding on how to step more into your power.



This includes five 50-minute 1:1 coaching, email/text support, and a 20% discount on any upcoming workshop or course.  We go a little bit deeper – actively working on your blind spots and what’s holding you back.



This includes seven 50-minute 1:1 coaching, email/text support, and a 20% discount on any upcoming workshop or course. Built in long term support for those who see results and want to take it to the next level.


I am not the coach for you if:


You are not open to growth or change.


You believe the problems in life are because of sources outside of you.


You expect me to do all the work.


You aren't willing to invest in yourself.

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